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Webinars & Videos

NIPS Explained: A Fireside Chat About Prenatal Genetic Screening

Noninvasive Prenatal Screening Guides & Toolkits

Noninvasive Prenatal Screening Resource Guide for Women

The NIPS Resource Guide can help provided education and information about the process, risks, and benefits of NIPS, helping give...

Fact Sheets

Understanding Genetic Screening and Maternal Health Care Poster

This genetic screening poster focuses on two types of screens, Expanded Carrier Screening and Noninvasive Prenatal Screening, as well as...

Genetic Screening Roadmap Guides & Toolkits

Genetic Screening Roadmap: A Clinician’s Guide to Providing Quality Maternal Health Care

The Genetic Screening Roadmap was developed to raise awareness, expand education, and improve implementation of genetic screening among women, health...