SWHR created this Migraine Matters fact sheet for people with migraine to share with their friends, family, and coworkers to...
Webinars & VideosSWHR’s Migraine Patient Toolkit is designed to help people with migraine integrate wellness practices into their daily life and offers...
Guides & ToolkitsSWHR has created two Migraine Patient Toolkits to assist people with migraine in navigating their care and achieving wellness.
Calls to ActionWomen in pain need innovation. In a commentary in Morning Consult, SWHR CEO Dr. Amy M. Miller shines a light on...
Webinars & VideosSWHR partnered with the Global Healthy Living Foundation on a patient-friendly webinar on migraine disease.
Guides & ToolkitsSWHR’s toolkit is designed to help patients navigate their care with easy-to-understand information about migraine diagnosis and treatment, as well...