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Webinars & Videos

Migraine Matters: Women Navigating Wellness Across the Lifespan

migraine fact sheet Fact Sheets

Migraine Matters Fact Sheet

SWHR created this Migraine Matters fact sheet for people with migraine to share with their friends, family, and coworkers to...

Webinars & Videos

Living Well with Migraine: Embracing Wellness in the Face of Chronic Disease

migraine wellness toolkit Guides & Toolkits

Migraine Patient Toolkit: Living Well with Migraine

SWHR’s Migraine Patient Toolkit is designed to help people with migraine integrate wellness practices into their daily life and offers...

migraine wellness toolkit Guides & Toolkits

SWHR Migraine Patient Toolkits

SWHR has created two Migraine Patient Toolkits to assist people with migraine in navigating their care and achieving wellness.

Calls to Action

Advance Innovations in Pain Management for Women

Women in pain need innovation. In a commentary in Morning Consult, SWHR CEO Dr. Amy M. Miller shines a light on...

Webinars & Videos

More Than a Headache: Understanding Migraine Disease

SWHR partnered with the Global Healthy Living Foundation on a patient-friendly webinar on migraine disease.

Guides & Toolkits

Migraine Patient Toolkit: A Guide to Your Care

SWHR’s toolkit is designed to help patients navigate their care with easy-to-understand information about migraine diagnosis and treatment, as well...