Speaking Up for Women’s Heart Health: A Social Media Toolkit

Guides & Toolkits

Published 2/27/24
heart health document

A Social Media Toolkit created by the Society for Women’s Health Research

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both women and men in the United States, resulting in one in every five deaths. Heart disease also costs the United States an estimated $219 billion each year, encompassing the cost of health care services, medications, and premature death.

Despite the devastating health, economic, and societal impacts of heart disease, disparities exist in the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular conditions in women.

This February, SWHR invites you to celebrate American Heart Month and spread crucial heart health information and improve women’s heart health outcomes. Explore the Speaking Up for Women’s Heart Health Social Media Toolkit!


Download The Toolkit

Explore The Social Media Toolkit

swhr heart health policy agency
swhr heart clinical
heart policy
Heart Health Policy
Read the Heart Health Policy Agenda

SWHR Policy Agenda: Improving Women’s Heart Health Outcomes Across the Lifespan

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both women and men in the United States, resulting in one in every five deaths. In 2021, about 695,000 people died of heart disease. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated what was already considered a public health crisis of heart health.

Read Agenda

Watch The Heart Health Webinar!


Getting at the Heart of Needs in Women’s Heart Health

Hosted by SWHR

This American Heart Month, SWHR hosted a webinar to review the burden of heart disease in women in the United States and will launch SWHR’s Heart Health Policy Agenda.

February 29 @ 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm EST

View Event

female doctor listening to female patient's heart

This material was created by the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) and is intended to serve as a public educational and informative resource. This material may be cited or shared on external channels, websites, and blogs, with attribution given to SWHR, or printed and displayed in its original formatted version. SWHR encourages the sharing and reposting of its content in order to spread awareness around women’s health issues. For specific questions about sharing SWHR content, please reach out to communications@swhr.org.


Support for this educational resource has been provided by Amgen and Novartis. SWHR maintains independence and editorial control over program development, content, and work products.

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