Strategic Partnerships

SWHR believes that one of the keys to successfully achieving our mission – to improve women’s health through science, policy and education – is through innovative and diverse partnerships that result in tangible resources that can improve women’s health outcomes.

SWHR’s strategic partners are industry and nonprofit thought leaders in the women’s health care space who share in SWHR’s vision of making women’s health mainstream.

Annual Awards Gala

This annual event celebrates achievements, advancements, and innovations in women’s health by recognizing leaders in the field. Sponsorships, tables, and single tickets are available each spring.

Program Sponsors

SWHR science and policy initiatives examine knowledge gaps and identify directions for future innovation in diseases and conditions that disproportionately or differently affect women. Explore these programs here.

General Sponsors

General sponsors and support provides SWHR with the flexibility to plan, innovate, and pivot quickly in response to changing policies, trends, and innovation in the women’s health space.

Give Back Partners

Give Back Partnerships are designed for companies who wish to donate a percent of sales of a particular product or service. Partnerships are reviewed annually. Only after a donation (as described below) is made are partnerships announced on the SWHR website, social media, and in our annual report.

There are three partnership levels in 2024

  • “Supporter” which provides a monetary donation of $1,000-4,999*
  • “Partner” which provides a monetary donation of $5,000-9,999*
  • “Friend” which provides a monetary donation of $10,000 or more*

*May also include additional in-kind donations as appropriate.

Individual Gifts

Individual gifts allow you to support  our mission through several avenues, as a cash gift, securities, donor-advised fund, or planned gift.

Our strategic partnerships engage in:

  • Scientific inquiry into knowledge gaps, unmet needs, burden of disease, and current therapies and treatments in diseases, conditions, and life stages that impact women differently, disproportionately, or exclusively.
  • Policy landscape review on topics, such as step therapy, access and coverage, affordability, value assessment, disparities, clinical trials, barriers to treatment, and health equity.
  • Dissemination of educational tools and information for women, clinicians, researchers, public health leaders, policy decision makers, and the general public to empower women with the information and knowledge they need to make informed health care decisions.
  • Communication across media platforms to diverse stakeholders to raise public awareness, provide public education, and highlight women’s health issues and innovations in diagnostics, therapeutics, and medical devices to improve health outcomes for women.

SWHR Organizational Statement on Financial Transparency and Accountability

The Society for Women’s Health Research’s science, policy, and education initiatives are supported by corporate and foundation grants, individual gifts, and educational sponsorships, within which SWHR maintains editorial control and independence. A nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization working to serve women and their families, clinicians, researchers, patients and patient advocates, and policymakers, SWHR and its leadership are committed to good stewardship of our financial resources and conducting business in an open and transparent manner. SWHR’s partnerships and initiatives—sustained with support from SWHR’s dedicated staff and its Board of Directors—contribute to the organization’s ability to better meet the needs of women throughout their lifespans by identifying research and clinical needs; developing educational tools and resources; and raising awareness of diseases, conditions, and life stages that disproportionately, differently, or solely affect women.