Women’s Health Equity Initiative

women smiling

The Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR)’s Women’s Health Equity Initiative highlights data on women’s health in the United States and aims to provide solutions to improve health equity across diseases, conditions, and life stages.

Women in the United States experience health disparities throughout their lifespans as a result of historic health inequities for women in the health care system.

women's health equity initiative logo

Sixteen percent of women report fair or poor health status, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS).

These percentages are even higher among women of color.

8% pie chart


Native American Women

22% pie chart


Hispanic Women

20% pie chart


Black Women

14% pie chart


White Women

8% pie chart


Asian Women

A message from Kathryn G. Schubert

SWHR President and CEO

Women’s Health Equity Roadmap

This roadmap features U.S. data on the disproportionate impact of several diseases on women’s health based on race and ethnicity, geography, age, and role as a caregiver. SWHR plans to add additional disease states, life stages, and issues to this map in the future. Download the individual fact sheets for more information.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Approximately 5.8 million people in the United States have Alzheimer’s disease — two-thirds of them are women.

Download Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet

Bone Health

Women account for 80% of the estimated 10 million Americans with osteoporosis and experience bone loss at an earlier age than men.

Download Bone Health Fact Sheet


Lupus is a chronic, life-altering disease that causes the body’s autoimmune system to attack its own tissues and organs. Currently, there is no cure for lupus.

Download Lupus Fact Sheet

Maternal Health

Black women are three to four times more likely to die from childbirth than non-Hispanic white women.

Download Maternal Health Fact Sheet


Thirty-four percent of women with menopause symptoms are not diagnosed and do not know they are in the menopause transition.

Download Menopause Fact Sheet

Uterine Health

Uterine conditions greatly affect the health and quality of life of millions of women in America.

Download Uterine Health Fact Sheet

SWHR will cover other issues in the future and continues to seek sponsors and health care stakeholders interested in supporting SWHR’s health equity work. Please reach out to the Development Team at development@swhr.org to learn more about partnering.