March 29, 2022

OMB Releases Fiscal Year 2023 President’s Budget Request

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on March 28 released the president’s fiscal year (FY) 2023 budget request. The president’s budget—though a proposal and not actionable on its own—serves as an important signaling document for Congress by outlining the administration’s priorities for the coming year.

With the exception of a proposed decrease within the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and a notable caveat regarding the proposed budget number for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the president’s budget called for meaningful increases across the nation’s federal public health and research agencies and for landmark investments in pandemic preparedness and biodefense.

At the top level, the budget request called for $127.3 billion for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), a 15 percent increase from the enacted FY 2022 level. Within HHS, the president’s budget includes the following:

Also in the president’s budget were provisions specifically related to women’s health. Specifically, the budget includes:

While there is much to glean from the president’s budget and the agencies’ accompanying congressional justifications, which “justify” the president’s request by outlining the mission of the agency along with goals and activities for the coming year, one piece in FDA’s FY 2023 congressional justification worth flagging is the agency’s request of Congress for the authority to condition that, for drugs approved through FDA’s accelerated approval pathway, drug sponsors first demonstrate that post-approval studies (i.e., confirmatory studies) are “adequately designed…and can be completed in a timely manner.” According to STAT News, this proposal would give FDA additional authority to “crack down on drug makers abusing the…pathway” and “give the FDA clearer ways to pull accelerated approval drugs off the market.”

The president’s budget can be found here, and the HHS Budget-in-Brief can be found here. SWHR’s statement on the president’s budget can be found here. Agencies’ congressional justifications are available via the following links:

For questions, please email SWHR Chief Advocacy Officer Lindsey Horan.