Maternal Health Disparities: Prevalence and Impact Across the United States

Fact Sheets

Published 4/24/22

The United States has the highest rate of maternal death among developed nations, with significant racial disparities and large differences in rates between states.

The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in the United States remains at about 17 deaths per 100,000 live births. The mortality rate is particularly high in rural communities, at .238 deaths per 1,000 deaths compared to .146 in larger metropolitan areas. A lack of access to high quality maternal health services in rural communities is the result of many factors including hospital and obstetric department closures, workforce shortages, and access to care challenges arising from the social determinants of health, all of which have contributed to disparities in maternal health care for rural women and their babies.

This fact sheet is from the SWHR Women’s Health Equity Initiative, which highlights data on women’s health in the United States and aims to provide solutions to improve health equity across diseases, conditions, and life stages.

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