August 22, 2024

Rachel Sturke, PhD, MPH, MIA

Dr. Rachel Sturke joined the Fogarty International Center in 2006 and currently serves as Deputy Director and Senior Scientist in the Division of International Science Policy, Planning, and Evaluation and the Center for Global Health Studies at the Fogarty International Center at NIH. In this role, she oversees a portfolio of global implementation science projects and the program evaluation portfolio for Fogarty.

Dr. Sturke’s work in implementation science includes a focus on building research capacity in implementation science in low- and middle-income countries and using innovative platforms to bring implementation scientists together with decision-makers and program implementers from LMICs. Dr. Sturke has worked extensively in India, Ecuador, Peru, and sub-Saharan Africa. She is an active member of the NIH Dissemination and Implementation Science Working Group, leads a trans-NIH working group focusing on building capacity for global implementation science, and has co-chaired the global track for the NIH-sponsored Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation for several years.

Dr. Sturke obtained her PhD in population, reproductive, and women’s health from Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health with a focus on gender, violence and HIV in South India. She received both a Masters in Public Health and a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University. Prior to her doctoral training, she spent two years as a research analyst with Fogarty’s Division of International Epidemiology and Population Health.