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Congressional Briefing to Explore Biological Sex Differences’ Impact on Medical Research

Women’s health leaders press for female subjects to be included in basic research studies

SWHR Applauds NIH’s New Inclusion Of Sex As A Biological Variable

SWHR supports the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) move to include sex as a biological variable in future research.

SWHR Leads Scientific Roundtable on Alzheimer’s Disease

SWHR held its second interdisciplinary roundtable on understanding sex and gender differences in Alzheimer’s disease May 28-29, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, Va.

Flibanserin Nears Approval, But Much Work Remains

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Advisory Committee has made history for women by recommending approval of Sprout Pharmaceuticals’ twice-rejected female libido drug Flibanserin.

SWHR Joins ‘Spread the Word’ Campaign Focusing on Coronary Artery Disease and Women’s Health

SWHR teamed with HealthyWomen, the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health, and the Coalition of Labor Union Women in partnership with CardioDx on a new patient advocacy campaign, Spread the Word, to empower women to be proactive in discussing their heart health.

SWHR Supports Reintroduction of the Research For All Act

United States Representatives Jim Cooper (D-TN) and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the “Research for All Act of 2015” in Congress.

SWHR Expresses Concern with USPSTF’s Mammography Guideline Update

The United States Preventative Services Taskforce (USPSTF) released a new set of mammography guidelines, the first since the taskforce’s controversial 2009 update.

4.22.15 | Heart Health
Former SWHR Board of Directors Chair Honored For Cardiovascular Work

SWHR congratulates former Chair of the Board of Directors, Nanette K. Wenger, MD. Wenger for receiving the inaugural Bernadine Healy Leadership in Women’s Cardiovascular Disease Award at the recent 64th Annual American College of Cardiology Scientific Session in San Diego, California.

SWHR Praises “The Battle For Women’s Hearts – And Lives” Commentary

SWHR commends Barbra Streisand for her commentary in The Washington Post, titled, “The Battle For Women’s Hearts – And Lives,” and for bringing into the public eye the work that SWHR has been doing for 25 years.