Search Results: psychological difference between men and women

665 results for psychological difference between men and women

Exploring the State of Environmental Health and its Intersection with Women’s Health 

Environmental health is a field of public health that focuses on the relationships between people and their environment to promote human health and well-being. As environments change so, too, do the impacts of environmental health.  


Eye Health Patient Toolkit Aims to Help Women’s Vision as They Age

The Guide to Women’s Eye Health is a patient toolkit to assist individuals, particularly women, in better managing their eye health.


Narcolepsy Toolkit Strives to Make Women’s Sleep Health A Priority

The Narcolepsy Toolkit includes information about sleep health across the lifespan to support women living with narcolepsy and their families as they navigate diagnosis, treatment, and care.


Learning to Support Women Living with Obesity at the “Exploring Obesity’s Impact on Women” Congressional Briefing 

On May 2, 2024, the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) held a congressional briefing titled “Exploring Obesity’s Impact on Women and Policy’s Role in Improving Outcomes” at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington D.C.


Pandemic Imperils Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Treatment for Women

Many women have been hesitant or unable to attend health care visits because of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to thousands of missed annual wellness visits, vaccinations, and cancer screenings.


New Fact Sheet Highlights Disproportionate Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease on Women as Patients and Caregivers

For Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month in June, SWHR launched an Alzheimer’s disease fact sheet about the burden of disease faced by women.


New Autoimmune Agenda Highlights Policy Measures to Improve Outcome for Women Living with Autoimmune Diseases

The SWHR autoimmune policy agenda serves as a call to action for research, education, awareness, advocacy, clinical care, and coverage to support women impacted by autoimmune diseases and conditions.


How Can Your Lifestyle Affect Your Liver Health?

While our livers are constantly aiding processes that maintain our health, we seldom think about how to keep our liver healthy. Fortunately, there are lifestyle changes women can make to proactively enhance their liver health.


Education and Access Play Key Role for Improving Well-being for Women Living with Autoimmune Diseases

These are takeaways from SWHR’s August 2022 meeting of an interdisciplinary group of policy experts, researchers, clinicians, and patient advocates in women’s autoimmune and immune-mediated diseases.


9 in 10 People With This Rare Liver Disease Are Women 

PBC is a chronic and progressive autoimmune liver disease that overwhelmingly affects women, but researchers have yet to determine the exact reason behind this substantial sex difference.