Search Results: psychological difference between men and women

665 results for psychological difference between men and women

Value of Diagnostics within Women’s Health: Ovarian Cancer

Highlighting the impact of ovarian cancer on women’s health and share information about the role of tests on health across the lifespan.

Expert Panel Recommendations on Lower Urinary Tract Health of Women Across Their Life Span

Urologic and kidney problems are common in women across their life span and can significantly affect daily life, including physical […]


SWHR Policy Agenda: Breaking Down the Burden of Alzheimer’s Disease for Women

The Alzheimer's Disease Policy Agenda acts as a roadmap of policy needs to improve Alzheimer's and related dementias outcomes for women.

Legislation Tracker

H.R. 959 / S. 346 — Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act * 117th Congress Sponsor: Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL-14) Cosponsors: […]


Sex After Menopause: A Series of Unfortunate—But Fortunately Addressable—Events

Do you find yourself preferring a Netflix show (a rerun, no less) to a night of intimacy (even with yourself)? […]


Improving Patient Outcomes: A Look at PCORI’s Research on Women’s Health

When patients and health care providers are forced to make health care decisions without sufficient evidence to inform them, the negative effects can be far-reaching.


What to Know about PCOS this PCOS Awareness Month 

Polycystic ovary syndrome, commonly referred to as PCOS, is an endocrine disorder that affects the balance of reproductive hormones and affects an estimated 5 million women in the United States.


Closing the Loop for Lupus: A Wellness Toolkit for Women

The event discusses how to improve health outcomes for individuals with lupus through recognizing and addressing symptoms, comorbidities, treatment options, and barriers to accessing quality care, while highlighting the diverse experiences of women living with lupus.


Voicing Concern for the Rise in HPV-Associated Oral Cancers

Historically, oral cancer has been associated with smoking and alcohol consumption and diagnosed primarily in 60- and 70-year-old men. However, recently, HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancers increased by 1.3% in women each year.


SWHR Stands With the Black Community Against Racial Injustice

The Society for Women’s Health Research stands with the Black community against racial injustice.