Search Results: psychological difference between men and women

665 results for psychological difference between men and women

SWHR Praises Resolution for Women’s Health Research Day

SWHR praises Sen. Duckworth and Rep. Schakowsky for their efforts in supporting Women's Health Research Day on January 25.

Coronavirus and Women’s Health Resource Hub

COVID-19 and its ramifications are creating burdens on women that negatively influence their mental, emotional, social, and financial health.

Putting Our Heads Together: Diagnostic Innovations for Alzheimer’s Disease

SWHR is hosting a series of public forums to share educational information about the importance and value of innovative diagnostics throughout the lifespan and across disease states and conditions. This events will discuss how to improve health outcomes for diseases and conditions that disproportionately affect women, with a focus on Alzheimer’s.


“Hidden In My Body:” The Case Of The Unapparent Uterine Fibroid

Aimee Gallagher, MPH, MS, Scientific Program Manager at SWHR shares her story of discovery, treatment, and recovery to encourage other women to advocate for their health.


SWHR Announces Urology Network Chairs

SWHR selected two chairs to head its Interdisciplinary Network on Urological Health In Women, Dr. Margot Damaser and Dr. Elizabeth Mueller.


Breaking Down the Burden of Alzheimer’s Disease for Women: A Call to Action

This fact sheet reviews Alzheimer's disease prevalence, the caregiving burden faced by women, and provides policy solutions to improve Alzheimer's disease outcomes for women.

Tips for Staying Healthy During a Pandemic

The global spread of coronavirus has altered life as we know it. Here, SWHR shares some important tips on maintaining good health in the midst of this crisis.


Not Always Safer at Home: COVID-19 and Domestic Violence

With most of the world facing restrictions on movement due to the novel coronavirus, many media outlets are reporting on both expected and observed increases in domestic violence cases globally.


COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies Must Ensure Equity for All Women

As government officials push forward with their vaccination strategies, they must ensure all women are protected from COVID-19 by removing barriers that may prevent them from getting vaccinated.


COVID-19 Pandemic Is a Nightmare for Women’s Sleep

Women are more prone to certain sleep difficulties than men. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating these sleep problems.