Search Results: sage conference

154 results for sage conference

SWHR Calls on the New Administration to Safeguard Women’s Health

SWHR offers support to both the President Trump administration and Congress and will actively build on the progress made in advancing women’s health in the U.S. and worldwide.


Cap Off Your 21st With A Little Pap!

Many women have a Judy Bloom-esque “first period” story, but has anyone ever told you their “first pap smear” story?


Cancer Advocates Press for Swift Implementation of the Breast Cancer Patient Education Act of 2015

Advocates and experts fighting for improved treatments for invasive breast cancer today called for swift action by Congress and the Obama Administration to implement the provisions of the Breast Cancer Patient Education Act of 2015 (BCPEA).


In Opioid Addiction, Both Babies and Their Mothers Deserve Care

Every 19 minutes, an infant is born in the U.S. who will suffer from opiate withdrawal.


We Don’t Need a Zika Czar. We Need a Women’s Health Czar.

Pregnant women are more susceptible to infectious disease than the general public. Yet a dearth of research leaves them and their babies vulnerable time and time again.


The Society for Women’s Health Research strongly urges Congress to pass the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015

The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2016 replaces sequestration equally for both defense and nondefense over the next two years. Failure to pass this critical legislation will hinder scientific discovery, compromise public health programs, and delay patients’ access to innovative medical treatments.


A Call to Improve Suicide Prevention for Women Veterans

Women veterans are two times more likely than non-veteran women to die by suicide, and there is a dire need to improve their access to mental health services.


Innovating for Continence Conference Poster

The poster highlighted the work of SWHR's Interdisciplinary Network on Urological Health in Women.

Exercise for Bone Health: A Call to Action

Guest author Rebekah Rotstein, NCPT, founder of Buff Bones® and member of SWHR Bone Health Working Group, shares tips for building healthier bones across the lifespan.


SWHR Discusses Actions to Improve Women’s Heart Health at OSSD 2024 

SWHR Chief Science Officer Irene O. Aninye, PhD presents at the “Lights, Camera, and Action to Improve Women’s Heart Health” […]