Factors Impacting Women’s Cardiovascular Health Across the Lifespan

Fact Sheets

Published 11/7/23
heart health fact sheet

Cardiovascular disease (CVD)—which broadly describes conditions, including heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and hypertension—is the number one killer of women (and men) in the United States each year.

Despite the devastating impact of CVD, women face several obstacles when it comes to protecting their heart health, including delayed diagnosis of CVD, awareness gaps, and challenges with insurance protocols.

The Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) published the Factors Impacting Women’s Cardiovascular Health Across the Lifespan Fact Sheet to explain the challenges that women face when it comes to the management of heart disease across the lifespan and the opportunities to improve heart health outcomes in women.

Download Fact Sheet

Read More About Heart Health In Women

Read My Lips: it’s time for women to stay on top of their heart health and get regular cholesterol screenings.

Getting Serious About Heart Health

Do you have a heart health story to share?

Your story can also help educate and inform other women who may be going through a similar experience.

SWHR is asking women to share their personal heart health journeys, to be posted on the SWHR website. In addition to patient stories, SWHR is interested in the stories of those who serve as caregiver for a family member (parent, spouse, child, etc.). Your story is powerful and we hope to share with policymakers, researchers, providers and most importantly, other women.

Share Your Story

This material was created by the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) and is intended to serve as a public educational and informative resource. This material may be cited or shared on external channels, websites, and blogs, with attribution given to SWHR, or printed and displayed in its original formatted version. SWHR encourages the sharing and reposting of its content in order to spread awareness around women’s health issues. For specific questions about sharing SWHR content, please reach out to communications@swhr.org.


Support for this educational resource has been provided by Amgen and Novartis. SWHR maintains independence and editorial control over program development, content, and work products.

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