Fibroid Awareness Month Toolkit

Guides & Toolkits

Published 7/18/22

July is Fibroid Awareness Month. Join the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) this July and all year long in raising awareness for uterine fibroids and the policy changes needed to improve health outcomes for women. Sections include: 

  • SWHR Resources
  • The Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act
  • Advocacy Resources
  • Uterine Fibroid Partners and Advocates

Download the toolkit to learn more and take action!

Download The Fibroids Awareness Toolkit

This document is intended to serve as an educational and informative resource and is not intended or implied to serve as a substitute for medical or professional advice. The Society for Women’s Health Research does not make medical, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations, nor does it endorse or promote specific screening or diagnostic tests. Patients and consumers should confirm information and consult a professional health care provider to determine individual needs. The Society will not be liable for any direct, indirect, or other damages arising therefrom. 

This material was created by the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) and is intended to serve as a public educational and informative resource. This material may be cited or shared on external channels, websites, and blogs, with attribution given to SWHR, or printed and displayed in its original formatted version. SWHR encourages the sharing and reposting of its content in order to spread awareness around women’s health issues. For specific questions about sharing SWHR content, please reach out to