Focus on Fibroids Fact Sheet

Fact Sheets

Published 7/9/21
uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids, non-malignant growths of the uterus, are one of the most common gynecological conditions nationwide and a growing and overlooked public health issue. Fibroids affect about 26 million American women ages 15 to 50.

There is a pressing need for improvements in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of fibroids. However, more research funding is needed to achieve these goals.

Check out this SWHR fact sheet to learn more about fibroids and The Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act of 2021, which would increase research funding for fibroids and improve awareness.

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Examining Research Gaps and Barriers to Care for Fibroids

SWHR hosted a roundtable meeting last month to discuss gaps in research, clinical practice, policy, and patient education that need to be addressed to improve health outcomes for patients with fibroids.

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female patient doctor

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