SWHR’s Health Care Value Assessment Principles

Policy Engagement

Published 10/11/19

The U.S. health care system is undergoing transformative changes in the way that it delivers and pays for care. The value of health care interventions and treatments cannot be determined without proper assessment and measurement.

Value frameworks assess evidence from clinical and economic data to inform decision-making about health care interventions for a range of audiences including patients, health care providers, and entities that pay for health care, such as insurance companies and federal agencies.

SWHR is committed to ensuring value frameworks are appropriately designed and used to provide appropriate access to innovative new therapies and interventions for women and to achieve optimal health outcomes for women as patients, caregivers, and health care decision-makers for themselves and their families.

  • Women comprise more than half (51%) of the U.S. population.
  • Women provide the majority of caregiving.
  • Nearly 70% of caregivers are female.
  • Women assume multiple roles while caregiving: hands-on caregiver, case manager, companion, decision-maker, and advocate.
  • Women make more than 80% of health care spending decisions.

SWHR has conceived a set of principles to help ensure value frameworks and assessments reflect factors relevant to women and the ongoing improvement of their health. This includes making sure that value frameworks account for both patient population diversity (including sex and gender) and have the infrastructure and analytic capability to evaluate data that matters to women.

Download SWHR’s Health Care Value Assessment Principles