The Roles of Sex and Gender in Women’s Eye Health Disparities in the United States

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Published 10/20/21

The Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) published a paper in Biology of Sex Differences, capturing insights and recommendations from the Women’s Eye Health Working Group convened by SWHR. The group includes expert clinicians, researchers, and patient advocates with the shared goals of identifying knowledge gaps and unmet needs; exploring better means to advance research; improving patient care; and raising awareness of key issues.

In the United States, women are at a higher risk of developing vision impairment or a serious eye disease than men. The Working Group identified priority areas for advancing women’s eye health research, clinical care, and education which are explored in the paper and include creating a framework with a sex and gender lens, increasing health care provider and public education, and expanding partnerships among ophthalmologic providers, researchers, and non-vision stakeholders.

Read The Full Paper Here

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