Urinary Incontinence: For Some, A Fate Worse Than Death

Guides & Toolkits

Published 6/1/18

This PowerPoint slide deck by SWHR’s Interdisciplinary Network on Urological Health in Women highlights the impact of urinary incontinence (UI) on women, including the high prevalence in women, the stigmatization of the condition, the effects on quality of life, and the economic burden. The presentation concludes that more research should be done to understand the reasons why women who suffer with urinary incontinence are hesitant to seek care as well as how women can achieve and maintain a healthy bladder.

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urology toilet paper

Shining A Spotlight On Women’s Bladder Health

Women and girls are disproportionately affected by bladder health issues like urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections, which can significantly disrupt daily life. Yet many women are hesitant to talk to their health care providers due to lack of awareness and stigma around bladder conditions.

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