Search Results: psychological difference between men and women

665 results for psychological difference between men and women

The Impact of Menopause on Women’s Health: A Workplace Initiative

SWHR is convening an interdisciplinary Menopause Workplace Education Working Group of menopause and workplace wellness researchers and strategists, human resource professionals, advocacy leaders, and health care providers for a series of closed meetings throughout 2023.


STDs are Incredibly Common – So Why The Stigma?

Despite recommendations from the CDC and the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) for annual chlamydia and gonorrhea screening for sexually active women younger than 25, experts are concerned that not enough women get tested and therefore don’t know they are infected.


Pandemic Prompts Concerns About Worsening Mental Health for Pregnant Women and New Moms

In the midst of COVID-19, pregnant women and new moms are being forced to confront unexpected challenges and possible worst-case scenarios about delivery and the postpartum period.  


VVA: What Is It, And What Does It Mean For Post-Menopausal Women?

For post-menopausal women (meaning, women who have gone more than one year since their last period and therefore have completed menopause), vaginal health issues are a prevalent concern.


A Little Leakage Goes a Long Way

Our bladders work hard, and sometimes they aren’t quite as effective as we would hope.  The majority of women, pregnant or not, have at some point in their lives dealt with incontinence, the unintentional loss of urine.


Knowledge Really Will Be Our Power: Updated National Menopause Guidelines Provide Additional Reassurance About Menopause Hormone Treatment

Let’s Talk Menopause, a national nonprofit organization, is pleased to bring you this Menopause Talk: Knowledge Really Will Be Our […]


Opportunities for Minimally Invasive Treatment for Uterine Fibroids 

This guest blog by Laura Marrone and Pratik Shukla, MD, assistant professor of radiology at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School explores uterine fibroid embolization as a way to treat uterine fibroids.


The Unexpected Home for NIH’s Maternal Health Research

In the ongoing quest to ensure women’s inclusion in medical research, many stakeholders consider research involving pregnant and lactating women as the next step forward. At the NIH, these efforts are being led by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.


SWHR Applauds Report Addressing Research Gaps on Safe, Effective Therapies for Pregnant and Lactating Women

The Society for Women’s Health Research commends the Task Force on Research Specific to Pregnant Women and Lactating Women for its comprehensive, evidence-based report with pragmatic recommendations for addressing critical knowledge gaps on safe and effective medication for pregnant and lactating women.


Alzheimer’s Disease Should Not Be a Normal Part of Aging: Recognizing Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month 

June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, a time to bring awareness to and expand education around Alzheimer’s and brain health, including its wide impact on women.