Search Results: psychological difference between men and women

665 results for psychological difference between men and women

Why The Opioid Epidemic Impacts More Women Than Men

Approximately 50 million American women live with pain associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, chronic migraine headaches and other chronic pain conditions.


Adenomyosis: The Common Gynecological Condition You’ve Never Heard Of

Heavy menstrual bleeding, painful cramps, and bloating during menstruation may sound like “normal” mild symptoms accompanying a woman’s period, but for some women, these symptoms are much more severe and may be signs of an undiagnosed, noncancerous gynecological condition.  


Cap Off Your 21st With A Little Pap!

Many women have a Judy Bloom-esque “first period” story, but has anyone ever told you their “first pap smear” story?


SWHR Toolkit for Women Living with Psoriatic Arthritis Centers Lifelong Care

The Psoriatic Arthritis Toolkit is part of SWHR’s program of materials to raise awareness about PsA’s burden on women and support women living with PsA.


Menopausal Hot Flashes: Middle of the Night Sleep Intruders

A guest blog by Fiona C. Baker, PhD with SRI International and an SWHR Interdisciplinary Network on Sleep Member reviews research on perimenopausal women and nighttime hot flashes.


Women and Value Assessment: Striving to Capture the Patient Experience

SWHR hosted three value assessment experts at its recent policy meeting to discuss the integration of women’s health priorities into assessments of new health care innovations.


SWHR Releases Statement on NIH Director Retirement Announcement

SWHR issued the following statement in response to the announcement that Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD, will step down as the director of the National Institutes of Health by the end of the year.


The Society for Women’s Health Research Talks Revolutionizing Healthcare & Research Through Data at Annual Gala Dinner

SWHR held its annual black-tie gala May 4, 2016, this time to discuss the growing trend of big data and its impact on health, science, and medicine.


SWHR Receives NICHD Director’s Award for PregSource Partnership

SWHR was awarded the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development’s Director’s Award for its participation as a partner agency in PregSourceTM, a crowdsourcing research project that aims to improve knowledge of pregnancy by collecting information directly from pregnant women.


Value of Diagnostics within Women’s Health: Breast Cancer

This Fact Sheet highlights the impact of breast cancer on women’s health and information about the role of breast cancer screenings and tests on health across the lifespan.