Search Results: psychological difference between men and women

665 results for psychological difference between men and women

Migraine Matters: Beyond Burden to Value

SWHR convened thought leaders for a public panel discussion on migraine and women’s health that included patients, practitioners, and the employer perspective.


SWHR Hires Irene Aninye as Director of Science Programs

SWHR hired of Dr. Irene Aninye as SWHR’s new Director of Science Programs.


What Fruit Flies Can Tell Us About Human Sleep and Circadian Disorders

This guest blog by Amita Sehgal, PhD from University of Pennsylvania and SWHR Interdisciplinary Network on Sleep Member and Paula Haynes, PhD from University of Pennsylvania explores circadian disorders.


Migraine Symposium and Awards Ceremony

A one-day educational symposium featuring presentationsfrom more than 35 experts and advocates. The symposium is divided into two tracks. One is tailored to medical professionals and the other to patients and the general public, however, both programs will be open to all attendees. The event will be followedby an awards ceremony and cocktail hour.

SWHR Calls on Congress to Make Significant Improvements to President’s 2018 Budget Proposal

SWHR is deeply concerned and discouraged to see that the Administration has deprioritized research and development in the 2018 budget through substantial decreases for critical federal agencies, expressed Dr. Amy M. Miller, SWHR president and CEO.


SWHR Lauds Passage and Signage of FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 into Law

SWHR congratulates the Congress and the President for approving the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Reauthorization Act of 2017. By providing significant funding and important improvements to FDA’s medical products review and approval process, this law will enable timely access to safe and effective medical innovations to millions of patients who need them.


Jenelle Krishnamoorthy Elected to SWHR Board of Directors

SWHR announced the election to its Board of Directors of Jenelle S. Krishnamoorthy, PhD, associate vice president for global policy, communications and population health at Merck.


Hill Briefing: Addressing Migraine Burden Through Research and Policy

To draw attention to the need for research and policy changes to address migraine burden, advocacy group Research!America hosted a congressional briefing on Oct. 3 that included SWHR President and CEO Amy M. Miller.


Searching for Solutions to the Maternal Health Crisis

Maternal mortality rates in the United States are higher than anywhere else in the developed world, and the majority of the estimated 700 pregnancy-related deaths each year are preventable.


SWHR Launches Search for CEO in 2020

SWHR CEO Amy M. Miller announces that she is leaving in 2020 and SWHR begins search for new leader.