March 14, 2023

SWHR Welcomes New Member to Board in 2023

The Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) is pleased to welcome Marianne Slight, Director of Product Management at Verily, as the newest member of its Board of Directors. Slight, who begins her term on the Board this month, will bring an important technological perspective that will help SWHR and the Board of Directors in advancing research on biological sex differences in disease and improvement of women’s health through science, policy, and education.

“We are thrilled to welcome Ms. Slight as a new and welcome addition to the SWHR Board. Her perspective on personalized and precision health will play an important role in SWHR’s ongoing work to shape the future of women’s health research and improve outcomes for every woman, regardless of age, location, race and ethnicity, or condition,” said Gretta Stone, SWHR Board Chair.

Slight leads evidence generation products at Verily, Alphabet’s health care and life sciences company that is focused on bringing the promise of precision health to everyone, every day. Prior to Verily, she worked at Google Cloud, Nuance, Optum, Picis, and Oracle. Her work concentrates on bringing scalable technologies for data and analytics to health care, to help enable the richness of raw data and ensure it is useful for both research and care, while safeguarding the consent of the patient.

“SWHR is proud to have Ms. Slight join our Board of Directors. We are confident that her unique background and perspective will support our steadfast commitment to making women’s health mainstream, from all corners of the health research industry,” said Kathryn G. Schubert, MPP, CAE, President & CEO at SWHR.

SWHR thanks all current and former Board members for their work helping make women’s health mainstream, with extra appreciation to Dawn Halkuff, MBA for her Board service through 2022. Dawn Halkuff is the Chief Executive Officer at Ideal Protein, a doctor-designed, Ketogenic Weight Loss Protocol that treats weight loss as health care and uses food as medicine to empower people to lose weight and live their best, healthiest life.

A full list of the SWHR Board of Directors is available here.