August 22, 2024

Eleanor Nwadinobi, MBBS, EMA, FAAC

Dr Eleanor Ann Nwadinobi, MBBS, EMA, is President of the Medical Women’s International Association. She is also Special Advisor to the Nigeria Safeguarding Resource and Support hub and Co founder of the Every woman treaty, a coalition advocating for a global binding norm to end violence against women.

An independent gender, health, women’s rights, and women, peace, and security expert, her career has spanned working as an anaesthetist in the UK, with ECOWAS on child trafficking, United Nations on girls’ education,HIV/AIDS and as lead researcher on gender-based violence for the World Bank and African Union as team leader for experts who drafted the stabilisation strategy for countries affected by Boko Haram.

Eleanor has presented numerous papers, has several publications and honoured with several awards.