May 17, 2024

Tammy Anderson

Tammy Anderson is the assistant director for Wake Up Narcolepsy and has spent most of her adult life helping build organizations that strengthen individuals and families. Prior to joining Wake Up Narcolepsy, Tammy worked as a development director at a nonprofit and as a student advocate in public, private and home education settings. Her passion for understanding and seeking optimal outcomes in human development, especially within the context of family life and relationships, began at an early age, but gained focus during her studies and graduation from Brigham Young University, where she earned a degree in marriage, family and human development, with licensure as a Family Life Educator. When her daughter was diagnosed with Narcolepsy at age 10, Tammy and her husband set out to find answers, treatments, therapies and ways that their daughter could live the fullest life possible. Wake Up Narcolepsy has played a critical part of their journey. Living in the foothills of Northern Utah, Tammy and her family enjoy hiking and exploring in the mountains near their home. Her family is her greatest work and accomplishment.