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11.26.18 | Urology
Survey of School Nurses Reveals Lack of Bathroom Policies and Bladder Health Education

In an online survey developed by SWHR, a majority of school nurses reported that the pre-K-12 schools they work for do not have written policies on student bathroom use and do not have education for students and teachers on bladder health.

swhr sleep cartoon 10.30.18 | Sleep
Poor Sleep Makes You More Than Just Sleepy

We’ve all experienced times where we haven’t gotten enough sleep, whether it’s pulling an all-nighter to cram for a test, caring for a newborn, or stressing about a project at work.

10.22.18 | Urology
More Than Just Anatomy: Sex Differences in the Lower Urinary Tract

A new SWHR report highlights how improving our knowledge about sex differences in cell biology in the female and male lower urinary tract may help stimulate breakthroughs in the diagnosis and management of urinary dysfunction for both women and men.

10.17.18 | Migraine
Hill Briefing: Addressing Migraine Burden Through Research and Policy

To draw attention to the need for research and policy changes to address migraine burden, advocacy group Research!America hosted a congressional briefing on Oct. 3 that included SWHR President and CEO Amy M. Miller.

SWHR Remembers Former Board Member Colleen Conway-Welch

Former SWHR Board member and dedicated women’s health advocate Colleen Conway-Welch, PhD, RN, died on Oct. 13 after a battle with cancer.

10.9.18 | Policy
Veterans Health Administration: Making Changes to Better Serve Women

Women are the fastest-growing segment within the U.S. veteran population and account for nearly 10 percent of the people served by the Veterans Health Administration.

10.3.18 | Research and Clinical Trials
SWHR Applauds Report Addressing Research Gaps on Safe, Effective Therapies for Pregnant and Lactating Women

The Society for Women’s Health Research commends the Task Force on Research Specific to Pregnant Women and Lactating Women for its comprehensive, evidence-based report with pragmatic recommendations for addressing critical knowledge gaps on safe and effective medication for pregnant and lactating women.

9.19.18 | Migraine
Hormones and Migraine: A Lifelong Connection

For women with migraine, fluctuating hormonal levels both during their monthly menstrual cycle and over the course of their lifespan are intimately connected to their experience with migraine.

8.28.18 | Migraine
Speeding Progress in Migraine Requires Unraveling Sex Differences

To decrease the substantial health and economic burden of migraine, researchers need to address how the disease differs between women and men, according to a report from the Society for Women’s Health Research published in the Journal of Women’s Health.

8.14.18 | Research and Clinical Trials
Studying Sex Differences Benefits Both Women and Men — Here’s Why

Most of what we know about human health and disease is based on research on men. This is because, until the 1990s, women of reproductive age were actively excluded from most clinical trials. Thanks to efforts by many organizations, including ours, this is changing.