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Woman smiling 8.25.22 | Women's Health Perspective
Amy Kelly’s Fertility Journey

Just before my 35th birthday, I scheduled egg retrievals as an insurance policy, sure that I would find someone eventually.

Woman in a nice dress smiling 8.25.22 | Women's Health Perspective
Salewa Akintilo’s Endometriosis and Self-Advocacy Journey

I’m a 29-year-old living with three “invisible illnesses:” Crohn’s disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and endometriosis.

woman with a soft smile 8.25.22 | Women's Health Perspective
Amanda Gorman’s Breastfeeding Journey

Like most new moms, I didn’t expect to have problems breastfeeding, especially since my husband and I are primary care providers.

Hand holding pen writing in notebook 8.25.22 | Women's Health Perspective
Deborah’s Menopause Journey

After a few years, I finally have the whole combination of different supportive medications, hormones, and supplements in an ideal place and feel fine.

8.15.22 | Maternal Health
SWHR Assumes Administration Responsibilities of the Coalition to Advance Maternal Therapeutics

SWHR will oversee the Coalition to Advance Maternal Therapeutics (CAMT), a coalition founded in 2014 to increase inclusion of pregnant and lactating populations in clinical research.

8.10.22 | Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer’s Briefing Sheds Light on Alzheimer’s Disease’s Effect on Women  

During the July 26, 2022, “Taking Heed of Alzheimer’s Disease" briefing, disease stakeholders discussed research and treatment for AD and its disproportionate impact on women.

8.8.22 | Autoimmune
Empowerment through Diagnosis: Improving Livelihoods for Women Living with Psoriatic Arthritis

SWHR gathered psoriatic arthritis health care providers, researchers, patients and patient advocates in June 2022 to discuss the health, social, and economic impacts of PsA on women’s health across the lifespan.

8.5.22 | Research and Clinical Trials
“Sex Differences in the Brain” Commentary Argues for Ongoing Sex Differences Research  

A commentary paper in the Biology of Sex Differences journal reviews the state of sex differences research in the human brain.

7.20.22 | Bone Health
How Osteoporosis Broke My Spine, But Not My Spirit

Christine Thomas shares her osteoporosis story including a spine fracture at age 42 and decades of personal education and advocacy.