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SWHR Attends Annual OSSD Meeting

SWHR attended the 10th annual Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD) meeting May 23-25, 2016, in Philadelphia.

6.8.16 | Research and Clinical Trials
SWHR Participates in Clinical Trials Education Event

SWHR participated in AWARE for All, a public education event hosted by the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP) earlier this year.

Does Lung Cancer Have a Gender Bias?

The American Lung Association surveyed 1,000 American women to learn their perceptions about which cancers impact women.

Phyllis Greenberger, SWHR’s Leader For More Than Two Decades, Steps Down as President & CEO

Earned Legacy as Leading Women’s Health Research Advocate

Cancer Advocates Press for Swift Implementation of the Breast Cancer Patient Education Act of 2015

Advocates and experts fighting for improved treatments for invasive breast cancer today called for swift action by Congress and the Obama Administration to implement the provisions of the Breast Cancer Patient Education Act of 2015 (BCPEA).

VVA: What Is It, And What Does It Mean For Post-Menopausal Women?

For post-menopausal women (meaning, women who have gone more than one year since their last period and therefore have completed menopause), vaginal health issues are a prevalent concern.

5.13.16 | Mental Health
Mental Health: The Hidden Illness Plaguing Minority Communities

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being and impacts how we think, what we feel, and how we act.

In Opioid Addiction, Both Babies and Their Mothers Deserve Care

Every 19 minutes, an infant is born in the U.S. who will suffer from opiate withdrawal.

The Society for Women’s Health Research Talks Revolutionizing Healthcare & Research Through Data at Annual Gala Dinner

SWHR held its annual black-tie gala May 4, 2016, this time to discuss the growing trend of big data and its impact on health, science, and medicine.