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3.9.20 | Policy
How Options for Disease Screening and Diagnosis Can Affect Women’s Health

Understanding the complicated world of screening and diagnostic testing can help patients better grasp the possibilities for their care.

3.2.20 | Bone Health
Experts Identify Knowledge Gaps in Chronic Osteoarthritis Pain in Women

SWHR brought together researchers and clinicians for a roundtable meeting to identify unmet needs and knowledge gaps for women with osteoarthritis.

2.27.20 | Policy
Ovarian Cancer: Challenges in Diagnostic Innovation

Most women will never be screened for ovarian cancer. Unlike with breast and cervical cancers, ovarian cancer research has struggled to produce reliable methods of screening.

2.21.20 | Research and Clinical Trials
Women Make Up 72% of Study Participants for FDA-Approved New Drugs in 2019

SWHR is thrilled with the news that women accounted for 72% of all clinical trial participants for FDA-approved new drugs in 2019.

The Promise and Peril of AI in Women’s Health

Artificial intelligence has great potential to transform health care for women if we can mitigate AI's tendency for propagating biases against women in health data.

| 2.4.20 | Policy
Ovarian Cancer: Outdated Diagnostics for a Deadly Disease

Over 20,000 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year in the United States, and less than half of them will still be alive in five years.

1.29.20 | Research and Clinical Trials
Advancing Women’s Health Requires the Study of Sex and Gender Differences

Women’s Health Research Day celebrates the day that NIH’s policy requiring inclusion of sex as a biological variable in research took effect.

SWHR Launches Search for CEO in 2020

SWHR CEO Amy M. Miller announces that she is leaving in 2020 and SWHR begins search for new leader.

1.8.20 | Policy
No ‘Best’ Framework for Assessing Value of Health Care Innovations, NPC Report Says

A report from the National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC) concludes that there is no “best” framework for determining the value of a health care product.

1.6.20 | Policy
A Call to Improve Suicide Prevention for Women Veterans

Women veterans are two times more likely than non-veteran women to die by suicide, and there is a dire need to improve their access to mental health services.