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You Are Not Alone: Women’s (Mis)Conceptions About Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

In this final genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) post in the Hormones Across the Lifespan series, the team will be addressing women’s conceptions and misconceptions about GSM.

Zika: Women and Children Are At Risk

Since its outbreak in early 2015 in Brazil, the Zika virus has spread across South and Central America and now into the United States, devastating thousands of women who are pregnant or who have given birth to a child with irreversible birth defects, including microcephaly.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Pregnancy

A guest blog by Judette Louis, MD, MPH from University of South Florida and SWHR Interdisciplinary Network on Sleep Member and Yu Sun Bin, PhD, MPH from University of Sydney discusses excessive sleepiness, obstructive sleep apnea, and pregnancy.

Why You Should Care About Primary Biliary Cholangitis

What is PBC? Primary Biliary Cholangitis, or PBC, is a chronic disease of the liver that slowly destroys the medium-sized bile ducts within the liver.

Why The Opioid Epidemic Impacts More Women Than Men

Approximately 50 million American women live with pain associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, chronic migraine headaches and other chronic pain conditions.

Delving into Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

In the last installment of the Hormones Across The Lifespan series, experts offered an overview on vulvovaginal atrophy, or VVA.

Cap Off Your 21st With A Little Pap!

Many women have a Judy Bloom-esque “first period” story, but has anyone ever told you their “first pap smear” story?

Lack of Female Injury Coverage — The Achilles Heel of the Olympic Games

Women have come a long way in the world of professional athletics. But the rise in professional and amateur sports participation has also led to a rise in a less discussed side effect—sports-related injuries.

“Hidden In My Body:” The Case Of The Unapparent Uterine Fibroid

Aimee Gallagher, MPH, MS, Scientific Program Manager at SWHR shares her story of discovery, treatment, and recovery to encourage other women to advocate for their health.

SWHR Announces New Interdisciplinary Sleep Network Members

SWHR selected two additional members to join its Interdisciplinary Network on Sleep, Dr. Jodi A. Mindell and Dr. Judette Louis.