SWHR Policy Advisory Council Meeting

Virtual Meeting

The Policy Advisory Council is a forum for industry, nonprofit, and other health care stakeholders to partner with SWHR to support emerging scientific research and public policy that will improve women’s health.

Sex Differences in Vaccine Immune Response Webinar


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on Women’s Health is pleased to offer the following upcoming webinar in the ongoing COVID-19 Vaccines and Women series.

Identifying Knowledge Gaps and Unmet Needs in Autoimmune Skin Conditions

Virtual Event

SWHR convened a working group of basic and clinical researchers, health care providers, patients/patient advocates, and policy leaders for a closed, two-day roundtable meeting to discuss the health, social, and economic impacts of alopecia, atopic dermatitis, and psoriatic arthritis on women.

Analysis and Action: Applications of Intersectionality in COVID-19

Virtual Event

The NIH Office of Research on Women's Health will host “Analysis and Action: Applications of Intersectionality in COVID-19,” the second lecture in the “Diverse Voices: COVID-19, Intersectionality, and the Health of Women” speaker series.