March 27, 2024

Latest Updates on the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research: Executive Order, SWHR Thank You Letter to First Lady

Following his 2024 State of the Union address calling for a $12 billion investment in women’s health research and the release of the fiscal year 2025 President’s Budget, President Biden on Monday, March 18 released an Executive Order directing “the most comprehensive set of executive actions ever taken to expand and improve women’s health research.” The directives are aimed at integrating and prioritizing women’s health across the federal research portfolio and spurring new women’s health research.

The Executive Order calls for change in four key areas:

Within the Executive Order, the President and First Lady also announced more than 20 new actions and commitments by federal agencies, ranging from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to promote women’s health research. These actions and commitments include the following:

The full list of actions and commitments can be found here.

Following these announcements, SWHR sent a letter to First Lady Dr. Jill Biden thanking her for championing and leading this first-ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research. SWHR noted the great need for these investments and how this initiative is helping to chart a path forward for changing the women’s health research landscape in the United States and is bringing us one step closer to achieving equity and parity in the health of women. Read the letter here.

For questions about the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research and SWHR’s involvement, please email our Policy Team.

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