May 10, 2017

SWHR Supports Dr. Scott Gottlieb’s Confirmation to Lead FDA

Distinguished physician and health policy expert, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, has been confirmed by the Senate as the next Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner. President Donald Trump nominated him in March 2017.

Dr. Gottlieb previously served as FDA Deputy Commissioner for Medical and Scientific Affairs under the George W. Bush Administration and as a senior policy advisor to the Administrator at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. He is currently a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, clinical assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine, and a member of the Federal Health IT Policy Committee at the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR®) congratulates Dr. Gottlieb on his confirmation. Having supported his nomination, SWHR is pleased that he has been presented with this new role.

“Dr. Gottlieb is a thoughtful leader who has significant experience in understanding the realities and nuances of federal policy,” said Dr. Amy M. Miller, SWHR President and CEO. “We look forward to working with him and the Agency, as they enhance drug approval standards that will ensure medical products are safe and effective for all Americans.”