Lynette Bloise, a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker has been a psychotherapist for over thirty-six years. Originally from Puerto Rico, she has made Massachusetts her home. After graduating from the Smith College School for Social Work in 1988, Lynette initially worked at the Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton, MA. She then worked in the Mental Health Clinic, (renamed the Center for Counseling and Psychological Health), at the University of Massachusetts Amherst for 27 years. For twenty of those years, she was the Associate Director of the Center. In addition, she taught in the UMASS Amherst Sociology Department as a part-time Adjunct Professor for 13 years, while maintaining a private practice up to the present. Lynette developed Atrial Fibrillation in 2008. Her heart disease challenges became significantly more difficult as the years went by, but she never gave up on looking for answers to her condition. In 2019 she was trained by the WomenHeart organization at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MI to be a WomenHeart Champion, of which she felt very proud. Since then, she has been an active supporter of women with or at risk of heart disease, who, like her need lots of support. Lynette runs monthly support groups where she is a compassionate, empathetic, and caring woman, who welcomes women from all walks of life into her group.