Rolanda Perkins lives in Tennessee works in the office of Training & Professional Development as a Training Officer for the Department of Children’s Services. At the age of 39, she had a heart attack. She began volunteering with the American Heart Association in 2008 and in 2019 was named as one of the National Ambassadors for the Go Red for Women campaign. She has spent a lot of her journey volunteering with the AHA on behalf of the Go Red for Women campaign.
In 2011, Ms. Perkins began volunteering with WomenHeart and became a WomenHeart Champion Facilitator. Through that work, she and another “Heart Sister” facilitated establishing a support group in Nashville and the surrounding areas. She credits with WomenHeart with providing a wealth of opportunities for her ability to enlighten and empower women to take charge of their hearts and to become their own best health advocates. Within the past two years, Ms. Perkins was honored to be named as one of WomenHeart Champions’ District Leaders. As a result of her heart event, for the past 18 years Ms. Perkins has been actively & enthusiastically dedicating her time and efforts towards this cause.