Women’s Health Perspectives

Happy multiracial senior women having fun smiling into the camera at house rooftop

Your story can help educate and inform other women and health care decision makers.

SWHR is dedicated to improving women’s health through science, policy, and education. In addition to identifying scientific knowledge and policy gaps to advance women’s health care and research, understanding and sharing women’s individual experiences and journeys can help us better inform providers and policy decision makers on critical gaps in women’s health.

Share Your Story

Whether you are a patient or a caregiver for a family member, including a parent, spouse, child, or friend, SWHR wants to hear your personal health journey! Stories shared with SWHR may inform our resources and be shared on our website and social media platforms.

Your story is powerful – to researchers, health care providers, policymakers, and importantly, other women. SWHR wants to use the power of your story to share the real-life impact of different diseases, conditions, and life stages with the people who need to hear it most.

Please note, your story will not be used to promote or advocate for a specific company, product, or medication.

Share Your Story

SWHR’s Women’s Health Perspective series includes firsthand accounts of individuals’ personal health care and/or caregiving experiences. The views expressed here are those of the individuals and not of SWHR. SWHR does not make medical, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations. Patients and consumers should consult a professional health care provider to determine individual needs.