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SWHR Welcomes Three New Members to Board in 2024 

SWHR is pleased to welcome three new leaders Shyamasundaran Kottilil, MD, PhD, Christine Harhaj, and Catherine Spong, MD to its Board of Directors.

2.23.24 | Heart Health
SWHR Launches Heart Health Policy Agenda

SWHR launched its latest policy agenda, "Improving Women's Heart Health Outcomes Across the Lifespan," informed by an interdisciplinary Heart Health Policy Working Group of policy professionals, researchers, clinicians, and patient advocates.

2.21.24 | Policy
How SWHR is Driving its 2023-2024 Policy Agenda Priorities

SWHR launched its 2023-2024 Federal Legislative Agenda, outlining key areas for SWHR engagement in the legislative and regulatory arenas. The activities are categorized into Core Leadership Activities, Key Policy Priorities and Areas of Active Engagement, and Other Areas for Potential Engagement.  

2.13.24 | Cancer
Cervical Cancer Awareness Month Event Spotlights How to Prevent HPV-Related Cancers 

Read takeaways from the HealthyWomen’s Congressional Briefing on Preventing HPV-Related Cancers through Vaccination and Screening, in recognition of HPV Prevention Week and Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. 

SWHR Announces 2024 Honorees for Women’s Health Visionary Awards in Advance of Annual Awards Gala 

SWHR will honor three leaders for their contributions to advancing women’s health at its 2024 Annual Awards Gala on Thursday, April 25, 2024.

2.7.24 | Health Equity
A Call to Action to Addressing Heart Health Across a Woman’s Lifespan, Informed by Data Dashboard

To offer solutions and bring attention to IHD and American Heart Month this February, SWHR has released a resource spotlighting actions to address gaps in heart health education for women across the lifespan.

black mom pregnant with doctor at computer 2.1.24 | Vaccines
Flu-Free Motherhood: Navigating Flu Season Safely for Expectant Moms

Flu infections can lead to hospitalizations and deaths for people of all ages. However, these severe outcomes tend to be more prevalent in high-risk groups, such as pregnant people 

1.24.24 | Policy
Congress Passes and President Biden Signs Continuing Resolution to Avoid a January Government Shutdown

On January 19, President Joe Biden signed a funding bill that will keep the U.S. government open and funded at current levels for at least another few weeks. The continuing resolution (CR) changes the deadline for Congress to pass appropriations bills.

1.23.24 | Endometriosis
El nuevo Kit de Herramientas para Adolescentes con Endometriosis motiva a las adolescentes a entender el dolor pélvico crónico

El kit de herramientas más reciente de la Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR), el Kit de Herramientas para la Endometriosis: Guía para Adolescentes, se creó para empoderar a las adolescentes que tienen preguntas sobre la salud menstrual o viven con endometriosis para entender mejor su salud y orientarse en su atención.