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10.27.17 | Alzheimer's Disease
The Importance Of Revamping The Guidelines For Alzheimer’s Disease

An estimated 5.2 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease. Of these Americans, 5 million are over the age of 65 years old. AD is the third leading cause of death in older adults, and is the only top 10 cause of death in the U.S. with no disease modifying treatment or proven treatment for prevention. 

10.19.17 | Migraine
SWHR Engages on Migraine and Women’s Health

SWHR convened interdisciplinary thought leaders at the George Washington University Milken School of Public Health for a panel discussion that included patients, practitioners, and the employer perspective.

SWHR Elects Roberta L. Gartside as Incoming Board Chair

SWHR announced the unanimous election of Roberta L. Gartside, MD, as the new Chair of its Board of Directors for 2018-2019. As a business leader with a strong commitment to nonprofit service, Dr. Gartside will lead the organization’s mission-based efforts to eliminate imbalances in care for women through science, advocacy, and education.

SWHR Elects Two New Members to Board of Directors

SWHR announced the election of two new members to its Board of Directors: Gretta Stone, Deputy Vice President of Policy & Research at PhRMA and Dawn Halkuff, Chief Commercial Officer at TherapeuticsMD.

6.7.17 | Alzheimer's Disease
Menopause, Memory, and Alzheimer’s Disease

When women think about menopause, they typically think about hot flashes. New research shows that memory problems are a common but under-recognized menopausal symptom.

5.17.17 | Sleep
Sleep, Pregnancy, And Your Future Health

This guest blog by Judette Louis MD, MPH from University of South Florida and SWHR Interdisciplinary Network on Sleep Member and Mary Ashley Cain MD from University of South Florida explores the overlaps of sleep and pregnancy.

What Fruit Flies Can Tell Us About Human Sleep and Circadian Disorders

This guest blog by Amita Sehgal, PhD from University of Pennsylvania and SWHR Interdisciplinary Network on Sleep Member and Paula Haynes, PhD from University of Pennsylvania explores circadian disorders.

SWHR Convenes Leaders in Health Policy for Second Annual Awards Dinner Symposium: The State of Women’s Health

SWHR held its Second Annual Awards Dinner Symposium: The State of Women’s Health in Washington, DC, on March 22, 2017, gathering some of the best minds in health policy to discuss advancements in women's health, and to explore existing policy challenges in understanding gender and ethnic disparities in health.

Menopausal Hot Flashes: Middle of the Night Sleep Intruders

A guest blog by Fiona C. Baker, PhD with SRI International and an SWHR Interdisciplinary Network on Sleep Member reviews research on perimenopausal women and nighttime hot flashes.

3.15.17 | Alzheimer's Disease
Women and Alzheimer’s Disease: The Facts Behind the Headlines

In the last few years, several reports have placed women at the forefront of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). These reports have generated misleading headlines stating that women are at greater risk of developing AD compared to men. However, the numbers behind these headlines are not clear.