The State of Care: The Health Ecosystem

Americans want better, less expensive health care coverage. They also want the most cutting-edge treatments. The goals can seem at […]

Diversity Matters Summit

Newseum 555 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC, United States

America today is markedly more diverse than at any other time in history. Sex, gender, identity, race, ethnicity - old […]

The Next Generation of Value-Based Arrangements: What Are the Stakes for Patients?

Top of the Hill Banquet & Conference Center 1 Constitution Avenue Northeast, Washington, DC, United States

NEHI will convene leading payers, biopharmaceutical manufacturers, and patient advocates on Capitol Hill to consider “The Next Generation of Value-Based Arrangements: What Are the Stakes for Patients?”

SWHR Policy Advisory Council Meeting

Blake Building 1025 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC, United States

The Policy Advisory Council is a forum for industry, nonprofit, and other health care stakeholders to partner with SWHR to support emerging scientific research and public policy that will improve women’s health. Council members will have an opportunity to work collaboratively to develop policy positions, promote research, and create materials designed benefit women’s health.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network Patient Advocacy Summit

The NCCN Patient Advocacy Summit will highlight the patient perspective related to delivering value-based and high-quality cancer care, implications associated with the term value, and the application of the value proposition within policymaking and clinical decision-making.

Webinar: Bolstering RWE Study Credibility and Its Role in a Totality of Evidence Approach


The Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy is hosting a public webinar to discuss the Real-World Evidence Collaborative’s work on demonstrating RWE study credibility and how RWE may contribute to an evidence package through a totality of evidence approach. The webinar will be moderated by Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, director of Duke-Margolis and will include a panel of experts who will discuss the key takeaways from recent RWE Collaborative publications and identify next steps for advancing the use of RWE for regulatory decision-making. Key topic areas include:

Social Determinants of Health: Technology and Workforce Approaches Webinar


This Webinar hosted by the NIHCM Foundation will focus on social determinants of health efforts in technology and the workforce, and will explore innovative federal model testing on whether addressing health-related social needs of Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries improves outcomes.