Coverage and Access Issues Affecting Women Living with Autoimmune Diseases

Virtual Event

In this webinar, panelists reviewed coverage and access issues that could negatively affect those with autoimmune diseases and conditions, the tenants of prior authorization and step therapy, discuss the role these policies can play in patient outcomes and on providers, and how current policies could be modified to better serve individuals.

PRGLAC Then and Now: Where We Are and Where We’re Going

Virtual Event

During this congressional briefing and national webinar, designed specifically for—but not limited to—members of the 118th Congress, panelists reviewed the state of PRGLAC, the PRGLAC recommendations and their implementation status and the current legislative and regulatory landscape.

The Impact of Menopause on Women’s Health: A Workplace Initiative

Virtual Event

SWHR is convening an interdisciplinary Menopause Workplace Education Working Group of menopause and workplace wellness researchers and strategists, human resource professionals, advocacy leaders, and health care providers for a series of closed meetings throughout 2023.

Diversity in Autoimmune Clinical Trials: Addressing Areas of Need and Opportunity

Instagram Live

During this SWHR Instagram Live event, hear from experts about why clinical trial representation is critical for improving outcomes, where they see the greatest issues in clinical trial representation, and if federal proposals to rectify underrepresentation of certain populations could improve involvement.