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3.13.20 | Alzheimer's Disease
SWHR Feedback to Senate Finance Health Subcommittee on Alzheimer’s Research Priorities

SWHR sent comments to the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care in response to its call for feedback related to […]

8.13.19 | Alzheimer's Disease
Sex and Gender Differences in Alzheimer’s Disease

A growing body of evidence shows that Alzheimer’s disease differs between women and men. SWHR's second interdisciplinary roundtable on Alzheimer's explored trends in research on sex and gender differences in the disease.

10.1.18 | Alzheimer's Disease
Why Sex Matters in Alzheimer’s Disease

In this commentary for the Association for Women in Science Magazine, SWHR highlights how it is becoming increasingly clear that […]

9.1.18 | Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer’s Hits Men and Women Differently, and We Need to Understand Why

Growing older may be inevitable, but getting Alzheimer’s disease is not. Although we can’t stop the aging process, which is […]

8.14.18 | Research and Clinical Trials
Studying Sex Differences Benefits Both Women and Men — Here’s Why

Most of what we know about human health and disease is based on research on men. This is because, until the 1990s, women of reproductive age were actively excluded from most clinical trials. Thanks to efforts by many organizations, including ours, this is changing.

6.13.18 | Alzheimer's Disease
Studying Sex Differences Will Improve Health for Women and Men

In a commentary for STAT, SWHR highlights the need to study the role that differences between women and men play […]

Brain Gears 6.12.18 | Alzheimer's Disease
Sex Matters: Addressing the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Gap

To prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease, scientists need to better understand how the disease differs between women and men, according to a paper published June 12 in Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.

6.12.18 | Alzheimer's Disease
Priority Areas for Future Research on Sex and Gender in Alzheimer’s Disease

6.12.18 | Alzheimer's Disease
Understanding the Impact of Sex and Gender in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Call to Action

A growing body of research shows us that Alzheimer’s disease differs between women and men, from disease risk and presentation […]

10.27.17 | Alzheimer's Disease
Imaging The Effects Of Menopausal Hormone Therapy On The Brain

Imaging provides a window into brain changes due to dementia decades before someone begins to show clinical symptoms of the disease. Volume of the brain gradually declines with advancing age, but this decline takes a faster course in people who experience more cognitive decline than is expected for their age and go on to develop dementia.