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11.21.19 | Migraine
Advance Innovations in Pain Management for Women

Women in pain need innovation. In a commentary in Morning Consult, SWHR CEO Dr. Amy M. Miller shines a light on […]

7.11.19 | Migraine
More Than a Headache: Understanding Migraine Disease

SWHR partnered with the Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF) on a patient-friendly webinar on migraine disease, a common, disabling neurological […]

7.11.19 | Migraine
Migraine Patient Toolkit: A Guide to Your Care

A migraine attack is not just a headache. Migraine is a neurological disease that requires patients and health care providers […]

7.8.19 | Migraine
SWHR Creates Migraine Toolkit to Help Patients to Manage Their Care

SWHR's Migraine Patient Toolkit provides useful information about migraine diagnosis and treatment options, as well as tips on interacting with health care providers and health insurance companies to achieve the best possible outcomes.

4.12.19 | Migraine
Assessing and Treating Migraine in Women and Men

Migraine affects women differently than men both physiologically and socially. These biological differences, as well as sociocultural norms, are key […]

10.17.18 | Migraine
Hill Briefing: Addressing Migraine Burden Through Research and Policy

To draw attention to the need for research and policy changes to address migraine burden, advocacy group Research!America hosted a congressional briefing on Oct. 3 that included SWHR President and CEO Amy M. Miller.

9.19.18 | Migraine
Hormones and Migraine: A Lifelong Connection

For women with migraine, fluctuating hormonal levels both during their monthly menstrual cycle and over the course of their lifespan are intimately connected to their experience with migraine.

9.18.18 | Migraine
Why Sex and Gender Matter in Migraine

A migraine attack is not just a headache, and not all migraine attacks are the same. The symptoms, length and […]

8.28.18 | Migraine
Speeding Progress in Migraine Requires Unraveling Sex Differences

To decrease the substantial health and economic burden of migraine, researchers need to address how the disease differs between women and men, according to a report from the Society for Women’s Health Research published in the Journal of Women’s Health.

8.7.18 | Migraine
Gender Bias and the Ongoing Need to Acknowledge Women’s Pain

Many women who suffer from chronic pain conditions say their pain has not been believed or taken seriously by family, […]