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12.23.19 | Policy
SWHR Feedback to FDA on Health of Women Strategic Plan

In comments to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), SWHR provided feedback on […]

12.11.19 | Policy
SWHR Policy Advisory Council Meeting

The Policy Advisory Council is a forum for industry, nonprofit, and other health care stakeholders to partner with SWHR to support emerging scientific research and public policy that will improve women’s health.

12.11.19 | Policy
SWHR Policy Advisory Council Meeting

The Policy Advisory Council is a forum for industry, nonprofit, and other health care stakeholders to partner with SWHR to support emerging scientific research and public policy that will improve women’s health.

12.11.19 | Policy
SWHR Policy Advisory Council Meeting

The Policy Advisory Council is a forum for industry, nonprofit, and other health care stakeholders to partner with SWHR to support emerging scientific research and public policy that will improve women’s health.

12.11.19 | Policy
SWHR Policy Advisory Council Meeting

The Policy Advisory Council is a forum for industry, nonprofit, and other health care stakeholders to partner with SWHR to support emerging scientific research and public policy that will improve women’s health.

12.3.19 | Policy
Building Consumer Confidence by Empowering FDA to Improve Cosmetic Safety

The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee holds a hearing on "Building Consumer Confidence by Empowering FDA to Improve Cosmetic Safety."

11.4.19 | Policy
SWHR Develops Principles to Ensure Health Care Value Assessments Work for Women

When a new health care innovation comes to market, how do patients, health care providers, and health care payers determine its value?

10.22.19 | Policy
SWHR Urges Women’s Health Focus in U.S. Biotechnology Investment

In a letter to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), SWHR recommended the government prioritize biotechnology […]

10.18.19 | Policy
SWHR Recommendations on ICER’s 2020 Value Assessment Framework

SWHR provided recommendations to the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) on proposed changes to its 2020 value assessment […]

10.16.19 | Policy
The Unexpected Home for NIH’s Maternal Health Research

In the ongoing quest to ensure women’s inclusion in medical research, many stakeholders consider research involving pregnant and lactating women as the next step forward. At the NIH, these efforts are being led by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.