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Hand holding pen writing in notebook 6.12.24 | Women's Health Perspective
Jennifer’s Uterine Fibroids Journey

Last year, at the age of 45, I found myself at a low point. Every month, I had a period that lasted 10 days, with pain and bleeding so severe that I would be homebound for at least three days, Jennifer writes.

5.10.24 | Women's Health Perspective
Callie Giddings’ Endometriosis Journey

I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis three years ago. I endured multiple trips to the emergency room before my diagnosis.

5.10.24 | Women's Health Perspective
Simone Vanden Heuvel’s Menopause Journey

My story may seem boring compared to others, but I am just now learning that I may have been doing things wrong.

Hand holding pen writing in notebook 4.15.24 | Women's Health Perspective
Sofia Oliveira’s Lupus Journey

When I was 20, I started having joint pain. Initially, I didn't even consider going to the doctor because I knew it would be dismissed, but after a few weeks the pain got so severe I had trouble doing the simplest everyday tasks.

4.11.24 | Women's Health Perspective
Lindsey Howard’s Endometriosis Journey

I was diagnosed with endometriosis after laparoscopic surgery to remove two very large endometriomas in the winter of 2018. I consider myself lucky that I had physical evidence on my ultrasound of the pain I was enduring before, during, and after my period.

Young adult woman smiling 11.27.23 | Women's Health Perspective
Meghan Ochs’ Eating Disorder Journey

The summer of 2019, a month after I graduated from college, I traveled to Paris with my mother. It was a life-altering trip: my first visit to Europe and the experience that forced me to face my anorexia.

Young adult woman with soft smile 11.6.23 | Women's Health Perspective
Ashley’s Narcolepsy Journey

Listen to Ashley’s story about the challenges she faced and decisions she made to manage living with narcolepsy and protect herself and her baby during pregnancy.

Young adult woman smiling 8.18.23 | Women's Health Perspective
Natalie Sten’s Pregnancy Journey

My husband and I were trying to get pregnant for over a year through on and off infertility treatments. In July 2022, due to an insurance change, we were not able to go through the treatment process.

professional photo of older woman smiling 5.30.23 | Women's Health Perspective
It Doesn’t Have to be ‘Dreadopause’: A Woman’s Reflections on Her Journey with Menopause 

The Society for Women’s Health Research spoke with Sharon Seibel, MD, and her husband Dr. Mache Seibel, about her journey with menopause.

Young adult woman smiling 5.10.23 | Women's Health Perspective
Cara Frey’s Uterine Health Journey

I was 17 when my gynecologist told me I didn’t have a uterus – that I was born without one, in fact. Confused and angry, I wondered how this could have happened.