Utilization Management Policies and Autoimmune Diseases: A Women’s Health Issue


Published 7/18/22
utilization management fact sheet

The rate of autoimmune diseases and conditions in the United States is rising—and women are disproportionately affected: 80% of patients diagnosed with autoimmune disorders are women.

This fact sheet by the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) provides an overview of autoimmune and immune-mediated diseases are, defines utilization management (UM) policies, and showcases how UM policies can affect provider and patient experiences: Utilization Management Policies and Autoimmune Diseases: A Women’s Health Issue.

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This material was created by the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) and is intended to serve as a public educational and informative resource. This material may be cited or shared on external channels, websites, and blogs, with attribution given to SWHR, or printed and displayed in its original formatted version. SWHR encourages the sharing and reposting of its content in order to spread awareness around women’s health issues. For specific questions about sharing SWHR content, please reach out to communications@swhr.org.


SWHR’s Autoimmune Program is supported by an educational sponsorship from Horizon Therapeutics. SWHR maintains editorial control and independence over educational content.

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