Women’s Immunization Education Initiative: Preventing Infectious Diseases through Vaccinations

Virtual Event

SWHR convened a working group of public health researchers and professionals, community leaders, patient advocates, and health care providers for a closed, 1-day roundtable meeting in August 2021 to discuss eliminating barriers to information and access and reducing health disparities through the development of educational materials designed to reach women as immunization recipients and decision-makers.

Fertility Options for Women: Improving Awareness, Access, and Outcomes

Virtual Event

SWHR convened an interdisciplinary working group in September 2021 for a closed two-day roundtable meeting to discuss how to eliminate barriers to access and reduce health disparities related to treatments for infertility in women.  

Menopause Mindfulness: Exploring Menopause’s Effect on Health and Well-Being

Virtual Event

On October 26, 2021, SWHR hosted the congressional briefing, “Menopause Mindfulness: Exploring Menopause's Effect on Health and Well-Being,” where panelists shared information about menopause, including the health risks for women during this life stage and the stigma often associated with menopause and aging.

Focus on Fibroids Series: Tools to Navigate Optimal Care

Virtual Event

SWHR hosted this webinar as part of its Focus on Fibroids Series: Empowering Women to Live Well with Uterine Fibroids to share educational information about uterine fibroids, including diagnosis, treatment options, access to care, and disparities, as well as highlight the experiences of women living with fibroids.

SWHR Policy Advisory Council Meeting

Virtual Meeting

The Policy Advisory Council meeting is a members-only event. SWHR's Policy Advisory Council is comprised of industry, nonprofit, and other health care stakeholders that partner with SWHR to support emerging scientific research and public policy that will improve women’s health.

Eye Health Education Roundtable: Understanding Eye Diseases that Disproportionately Affect Women Across the Lifespan

Virtual Event

SWHR convened a diverse and interdisciplinary working group of clinical and public health researchers, health care providers, patients/patient advocates, and policy leaders for a closed, one-day roundtable meeting in December 2021, to discuss the health, social, and economic impacts of eye diseases that disproportionately affect women’s health.

Focus on Fibroids Series: Empowering Women through Personal Journey-telling

Virtual Event

SWHR hosted this webinar as part of our Focus on Fibroids Series: Empowering Women to Live Well with Uterine Fibroids to share educational information about uterine fibroids, including diagnosis, treatment options, access to care, and disparities, as well as and highlight the experiences of women living with fibroids.

How Vaccines and Screening Can Prevent Cervical Cancer

Virtual Event

SWHR hosts a series of public forums to share educational information about the importance and value of innovative diagnostics throughout the lifespan and across disease states and conditions. This event discusses how to improve health outcomes for diseases and conditions that exclusively affect women, with a focus on cervical cancer.

Menopause Mindfulness: Embracing the Change of My Midlife

Virtual Event

This event discusses how to improve health outcomes through recognizing and addressing symptoms, comorbidities, treatment options, and barriers to accessing quality care, while highlighting the diverse experiences of women during and after the menopause transition.