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9.8.22 | Diagnostics
The Value of Screening and Diagnostics for Breast and Ovarian Cancers

Looking for the individual Value of Diagnostics within Women’s Health: Breast Cancer and Value of Diagnostics within Women’s Health: Ovarian Cancer fact […]

9.6.22 | Genetic Screening
NIPS Explained: A Fireside Chat About Prenatal Genetic Screening

SWHR hosted a fireside chat to share educational information about the impact of prenatal screening on maternal and infant health. The event discussed how to reduce barriers to care and improve health outcomes through patient education, patient provider communication, and informed consent.

8.19.22 | Bone Health
Stronger than Sticks and Stones: Promoting Women’s Bone Health through Preventive Care

Approximately 54 million Americans have low bone mass, placing them at increased risk for osteoporosis and bone fracture. Risk of […]

8.8.22 | Autoimmune
Empowerment through Diagnosis: Improving Livelihoods for Women Living with Psoriatic Arthritis

SWHR gathered psoriatic arthritis health care providers, researchers, patients and patient advocates in June 2022 to discuss the health, social, and economic impacts of PsA on women’s health across the lifespan.

7.27.22 | Autoimmune
Addressing Barriers to Care for Women with Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions

SWHR convened an interdisciplinary Autoimmune Policy Working Group to discuss policy needs and opportunities as they relate to women’s autoimmune and immune-mediated diseases and conditions across the lifespan. 

7.20.22 | Autoimmune
Psoriatic Arthritis: More than Just Sore Joints

This event discussed how to improve health outcomes for individuals with psoriatic arthritis through recognizing and addressing symptoms, comorbidities, treatment options, and barriers to accessing quality care, while highlighting the diverse experiences of women across the lifespan.

7.19.22 | Autoimmune
New SWHR Paper Strives to Address Skin Disease Burden for Women 

This commentary on skin disease burden in the journal Women’s Health Issues aims to advance understanding and awareness of autoimmune skin diseases in women.

7.18.22 | Autoimmune
Utilization Management Policies and Autoimmune Diseases: A Women’s Health Issue

The rate of autoimmune diseases and conditions in the United States is rising—and women are disproportionately affected: 80% of patients […]

7.14.22 | Endometriosis
Gynecologic Network Meeting Spotlights Areas for Endometriosis Research

SWHR's Gynecologic Health Network meeting in June 2022 covered the connections between endometriosis and pelvic pain and abnormal sleep in women.

7.14.22 | Lupus
Embracing Life with Lupus: Understanding Gaps and Accelerating Opportunities to Advance the Health of Women with Lupus

This June 2022 Working Group gathered clinicians, researchers, patients and patient advocates, and policy leaders for a discussion on gaps and opportunities in lupus care for women.