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6.4.24 | Fertility
Bridging the Infertility Care Gap

Infertility is clinically defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy after one year of intercourse without birth control or when an individual has had two or more failed pregnancies.

5.17.24 | PCOS
Exploring PCOS Throughout the Body

5.9.24 | Autoimmune
Emerging Topics in Women’s Health: Autoimmune Disease Challenge

black mom pregnant with doctor at computer 4.12.24 | Policy
National Academies Issues New Report on Including Pregnant and Lactating Women in Research

By Bria Fitz, MA, SWHR Public Policy Fellow The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine (NASEM) released a new […]

4.11.24 | Women's Health Perspective
Lindsey Howard’s Endometriosis Journey

I was diagnosed with endometriosis after laparoscopic surgery to remove two very large endometriomas in the winter of 2018. I consider myself lucky that I had physical evidence on my ultrasound of the pain I was enduring before, during, and after my period.

3.19.24 | Research and Clinical Trials
SWHR Emerging Scholars in Women’s Health Research Award  Symposium

The SWHR Emerging Scholars in Women’s Health Research Award is given to trainees whose abstracts submitted to the OSSD Annual Meeting demonstrate research excellence in addressing important knowledge gaps in health and disease areas that disproportionately, differently, or exclusively affect women.

2.7.24 | Health Equity
A Call to Action to Addressing Heart Health Across a Woman’s Lifespan, Informed by Data Dashboard

To offer solutions and bring attention to IHD and American Heart Month this February, SWHR has released a resource spotlighting actions to address gaps in heart health education for women across the lifespan.

black mom pregnant with doctor at computer 2.1.24 | Vaccines
Flu-Free Motherhood: Navigating Flu Season Safely for Expectant Moms

Flu infections can lead to hospitalizations and deaths for people of all ages. However, these severe outcomes tend to be more prevalent in high-risk groups, such as pregnant people 

12.7.23 | Vaccines
Flu Vaccines & Pregnancy Fact Sheet

11.27.23 | Patient
Employer Support for Women’s Health Will Advance Equity in the Health of Women

SWHR President and CEO Katie Schubert writes that supporting the health of women across the health span includes supporting women at work. "Employers have a unique opportunity to drive advancements in women's health, and employee benefits are an important piece of this puzzle."