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7.2.20 | Maternal Health
SWHR Applauds Work of PRGLAC Task Force

SWHR provided comments to the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development following the June 24 public […]

female patient doctor 6.30.20 | Policy
Women and Value Assessment: Striving to Capture the Patient Experience

SWHR hosted three value assessment experts at its recent policy meeting to discuss the integration of women’s health priorities into assessments of new health care innovations.

6.25.20 | Uterine Fibroids
SWHR Supports Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act

SWHR signed onto a congressional letter of support for H.R. 6383, the Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act of 2020. […]

6.23.20 | Coronavirus
SWHR Feedback to Senate HELP Committee Chair on Pandemic Preparedness Plan

SWHR provided feedback on a white paper from Sen. Lamar Alexander, chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions […]

6.19.20 | Coronavirus
SWHR Urges Inclusion of At-Risk Women in COVID-19 Research

SWHR joined 25 organizations in urging the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) to include […]

6.17.20 | Policy
SWHR Comments to CDC on Management of Acute and Chronic Pain

SWHR provided the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with requested comments on Management of Acute and Chronic Pain. […]

5.29.20 | Policy
ICER’s Value Framework: A Work in Progress for Women’s Health

ICER's updated value assessment framework embraces several of SWHR’s recommendations, but more work remains to adequately evaluate the value of health care interventions for women.

5.28.20 | Policy
New Screening and Diagnostic Technologies Could Pave the Way for Improvements in Women’s Health

Some of screening and diagnostic tests for women are woefully outdated or nonexistent, resulting in uncertainties about their disease risk and difficulty with diagnosis.

5.27.20 | Policy
Women Struggle to Access Menstrual Products During COVID-19 Pandemic

Menstrual products are as essential as toilet paper — and for some women equally as hard to find during the COVID-19 pandemic.

5.21.20 | Policy
SWHR Testimony on HHS Appropriations for FY2021

This week, SWHR President and CEO Kathryn G. Schubert, MPP, provided outside witness testimony on behalf of the Society for […]